Corrupt Courts

Nutz Rating:

nuts rating acorn
nuts rating acorn
nuts rating acorn
nuts rating acorn

Squirrel Approved on: Jan 8, 2022
Stating the obvious

The height of hypocrisy from the highest court in the land. That's right, the leader of one of the three prongs of the priveleged trident, the Supreme Court, tells his underlings to do as he says and not as he clearly does. Our system is totally designed to maximize profit by unequal application of laws. I'm sure all of the "justices" have zero stake in any corporation that benefits from their decisions, whether that stake be in investments, secret society membership, or outright brother on the board. Humans are strange animals indeed. All of us seem to think other humans can't see the fallacies we spew, as long as it seems we believe them. Sort of like a macabre version of the monster in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy that can't see you if you can't see it. I suppose it's only natural that any totally corrupt system needs to sporadically spout how righteous it is every now and again. It still doesn't make the crap taste good.

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Squirrel of Approval - 2022