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nuts rating acorn
nuts rating acorn

Squirrel Approved on: Dec 1, 2021
Blaming the dead.

Odd Epstein Articles continue to abound.

The media has pivoted to minimal focus on the Ghislaine Maxwell. What little focus there is, it is being squarely centered on a selected subset of people that at this point cannot be protected (e.g. Prince Andrew). The scope of investigation and discussion will be intentionally limited to ensure more comprehensive associate lists do not see the light of day. Much like Mr. Epstein himself. This article is a truly strange bit of propaganda, claiming that Mr. Epstein was so good at manipulation he fooled his captors into letting him kill himself, convincing them that he would never be able to take his own life. I suppose he also fooled them into losing any surveillance footage of his cell. Truly a master of deception, that one.

click here for the story source
Squirrel of Approval - 2022