Vaccine slip-up

Nutz Rating:

nuts rating acorn
nuts rating acorn
nuts rating acorn
nuts rating acorn

Squirrel Approved on: Dec 1, 2021
Someone just got fired

Every once in a while, a tad bit of the truth leaks out. As it is in this story, which acknowledges that a CDC study finds that most mumps cases are among the vaccinated, due to various suspected factors "including a lack of prior exposure to the virus, waning immunity and the circulation of genotypes the vaccine doesn’t contain." While this article is clearly propaganda drumming up support via fear for new, improved mumps vaccines - the fact that it was allowed out of the gate is astonishing. It completely runs counter to the current narrative on vaccine effectiveness. Keep an eye out for these little nuts of truth.

click here for the story source
Squirrel of Approval - 2022